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Audi A1 Snowfoam

Full Valet

The cost effective valet that still gives fantastic results.

4 hr
120 British pounds

D e s c r i p t i o n

The classic Full Valet. All surfaces are cleaned inside and out with up to 3 months protection applied to all exterior surfaces. What's included? - Full front to back wheel clean including arches. - Citrus pre-wash and snow foam is applied prior to contact washing to remove all traces of surface dirt, grime, and traffic film. - Door/boot shuts, fuel flap and window seals are all cleaned. - 2 bucket safe wash with grit guards and fresh wash mitts. - Ceramic-infused rinse aid is applied to provide up to 3 months protection to all exterior surfaces (paintwork, wheels, trims, and glass). - Exterior is dried using a combination of plush drying towels and forced, filtered warm air to mitigate water streaks. - Paintwork further protected using a ceramic-infused quicker detailer. - Tyres and arches dressed & exterior glass is cleaned. - Interior surfaces are dusted and hoovered, including cubby holes and under seats. - Floor mats are removed, and steam cleaned. - All plastics are cleaned and finished with an anti-static UV protectant. - Interior glass cleaned, air freshener applied. Please note: > We will require water and electric access; See Terms and Conditions for more information. > The price is for a vehicle of average condition. If heavily soiled on either the exterior or interior, extra charges will be involved due to increased product/labour cost. If the vehicle hasn’t been cleaned for some months and/or has lots of built-up dirt, then our deep clean service will need to be booked instead.

C a n c e l l a t i o n p o l i c y

If a booking is cancelled with no credible reason within the 7 day period before your scheduled appointment, then full payment will be required.

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